Like the best copy, the best copywriters are straightforward, unshowy, quietly knowing.

I help clients who want to express themselves with greater confidence and flair, whether that's on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or in their promotional literature.

Alternatively, I write the stuff so they don't have to.

My clients find me affordable, easy-going and happy to go that bit further to help them and their businesses.

Read some testimonials to see what my clients value in me.


You may be interested to know...

Before going freelance, I taught English in private secondary education. My last post was at Exeter School, which was named “South-West Independent Secondary School of the Year” by the Sunday Times in 2018.

You could say that I am now practising what I’ve been teaching for over 20 years. They recently invited me back to work on the wholesale rewrite of their website. Read the testimonial.

For my sins, I have taught over 2,500 pupils, helped with as many GCSE and A Level coursework essays, and written more school reports and university references than I’d care to calculate. Finding umpteen different ways to say “must try harder” is the perfect playground for cutting one’s copywriting teeth. I also edited the yearly school magazine, which was great fun, but chasing overbusy teachers is a whole other skillset – who knows what crimes I committed in a previous life...

In the dark and dingy backwaters of time, I left university and drifted into the murky depths of the jobs market at a time of economic doom ’n’ gloom not lightened by a royal divorce, Mad Cow Disease, and the emergence of the Spice Girls. And let’s not forget AI’s defeat of one of our great chess players when Deep Blue beat Gary Kasparov for the first time. Flailing and rudderless after a year of late nights researching my MA thesis, “Gaming, chance and risk-taking in the Victorian novel” – Bleak House, Middlemarch and the like aren’t light reads – I was scooped up by one of the big fish accountancy firms and found myself in the world of high finance. What was I thinking? Then again, what were they thinking?

While at Coopers and Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers), I somehow managed to pass professional examinations in Financial Accounting, Financial Decisions, Economics, and Management and Marketing.

The world of finance suited my methodical nature and meticulous eye for detail. I missed my first loves, however: language, literature, and the power of the written word. Hence the move into teaching.


This is where I get confessional

I’d admit to being a restless soul and, quite frankly, too easily bored. But then this informs my writing. That’s the constant challenge: make it new. And the modern reader is a fickle, impatient individual, restlessly distracted, endlessly driven by a need for something novel, something unexpected, the next big thing. The best advice for any writer: don’t be dull.


You’re still reading this stuff?


Neither straight out of university, nor ready to hang up my boots and retire, I have arrived at the world of freelance copywriting and coaching through a rather circuitous route.

In other lives I’ve been a waiter, barman, pot wash, fruit picker, bookseller in France, and taxi driver when studying for my MA. I’m sure if I racked my brains the list would go on.


In a nutshell...

I offer a wealth of life experience, which is what you need if you want your copy and content to appeal to a wide range of people.


Still reading?

Come on, people: this is time you won’t get back!


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To ensure polished, professional copy, give me a call on
07848 897538 or email